Sunday, March 17, 2019

Text Messages Script

Located below is our script for the online conversation that our main character, Lucy, is going to be having once she finishes watching the news broadcast. Moreover, in this text message conversation that my partner and I created, we made sure to include the modern-day slang of teenagers. For example, words such as "wack" that translate to "crazy" and phrases such as "tbh" that mean "to be honest". Also, the use of all capitol letters helps put emphasis on certain words such as when Tiffany states "ANSWWWER SIS" because Sydney was not active in the chat. Therefore, this leads viewers to wonder what could have happened to Sydney. Thus, by using this language, we capture the age group that Lucy and her friends are a part of. Furthermore, the group chat consists of four young girls: Lucy, Sydney, Taylor, and Tiffany.


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