Saturday, March 2, 2019

The “News Broadcast” Inspiration/Planning

Like I previously mentioned, we want to include the use of a new broadcast in our film opening because we believe that it will be extremely useful in the storytelling aspect of our opening. Moreover, the use of a news broadcast will help our viewers understand the main conflict occurring in the opening scene as well as the rest of the film. Another benefit that comes out of utilizing a news broadcast in our film opening is that of the audience being able to classify the film as a horror and doomsday (apocalyptic) film. To further explain, the serious tone of the news broadcast would essentially stress the global problem enough to communicate with viewers that this problem could lead to a full wipe of the human race, which does eventually end up happening in the rest of our film. Therefore, this would help classify our film opening as a horror and “end of the world” film.

Moving on, we used the film Bird Box (2018) as inspiration for our news broadcast because of the fact that the scene in Bird Box with the news broadcast achieved all the goals we want to achieve when we include our new broadcast in our opening film. Furthermore, one of the things that the news report in Bird Box manages to do is that it updates the audience on what countries are being affected by any form of mass suicides and what the current position of the United States is as well. Specifically, the report mentions Russia as one of the countries badly affected by the issue, and the report also explains how the United States has yet to seen any similar cases regarding mass suicide. Ultimately, this helps viewers understand the conflict happening in Bird Box. Moreover, the use of a news report in Bird Box basically stated that the world was coming to an end, and this was utilized to help identify the film as a horror/doomsday film or one of those “end of the world” movies in which any sign of civilization is gone. In addition, another way that the news report was helpful to Bird Box was because it helped establish the main character’s ignorant personality. Moreover, the news report explained how the global problem had not been seen in the United States yet; thus, the main character thought that it would never occur in the U.S. and there was no need to worry. Furthermore, the use of a news broadcast had many benefits in developing the film Bird Box.

**The link down below is the news broadcast scene in Bird Box**

Now onto the way in which me and my partner, Sophia, will make this idea of adding a news broadcast into our opening a reality. So, we plan on making the news broadcast utilizing an application called iMovie, and we will be looking into the different ways in which we can mimic news headlines. We also plan on using ourselves as the news anchors that will be elaborating on the issue at hand during our film opening. Of course, we are aware that we must use a serious, monotone voice when saying our parts of the script (which we will include in a later post) and we also plan on finding the appropriate outfits to fit the characters of news anchors. Furthermore, we plan on including various images and videos during the news broadcast to build visual interest within the audience and keep them engaged.

**We also plan on utilizing my partner, Sophia’s, computer for for iMovie news broadcast segment because in recent AICE Media Studies projects my computer has never worked with iMovie projects**

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